Stem cells are the naive cells in our body with the potential for repair and regeneration owing to their ability to specialize in several cell lineages. Although stem cells are naturally present in our body, the highest concentration occurs in the bone marrow. This high stem cell concentration is generally found in the hip bone. Bone marrow concentrate, is, therefore, gathered from the hip bone using a specific bone marrow aspirate needle.

In most cases, 25-30 cc of bone marrow aspirate is required for therapy injections and this aspirate includes platelets, mesenchymal stem cells, and other bioactive factors for promoting regeneration and rejuvenation.

How are bone marrow aspirate stem cell injections given?

Stem cell injections are injected into the site of tissue damage or injury in case of orthopedic disorders. The bone marrow aspirate with stem cells is collected and processed using a BMC kit to separate and concentrate the aspirate. The bone marrow concentrate is injected into the site of tissue damage using injections and some doctors use advanced ultrasound guidance to attain enhanced precision and accuracy of administration.

Why choose Advancells stem cell therapy?

Advancells believes in harnessing the potential of regenerative medicine in therapeutics. The stem cell therapeutic consultation is top-notch and promising without any false pretention of fake reports. Here are some important points to note:

  • Artificial stem cell supplements should be avoided

In the case of stem cell injections using bone marrow aspirate stem cells, natural growth factors and cytokines are preferred over adding artificial growth supplements or synthetic molecules. Growth factors are signaling molecules produced by several cells like platelets, stem cells, fibroblast, etc. at the site of repair. Some of these growth factors make it suitable for repair in the local tissue damage site.

  • No use of embryonic stem cells

There are many complications in a biological and ethical sense when it comes to embryonic stem cells. Besides having the potential to be cancerous, the reprogramming of these cells is not defined as they are widely pluripotent and can specialize in a lot of different tissues. Moreover, embryonic stem cells have the risk of graft vs host disease. The FDA has put serious restrictions on the use of embryonic stem cells even in emergency needs.

  • Stem cells are processed in certified labs

Make sure that the labs that process stem cells are certified and follow specific protocols. There are some centers that recommend taking stem cells from the bone marrow and culture them on plates for proliferation and then process for stem cell injection procedure. It is always better to not culture the stem cells in the lab rather the bone marrow aspirate is processed to be a concentrate of stem cells platelets and growth factors. By culturing the stem cells outside the body, the genetic makeup of the cells may be hampered, leading to undesired effects and no significant positive outcomes in patients.

Is Stem Cell Treatment Right for You?

Although Stem Cell Therapy is an experimental therapy, many consider it to have potential repair and regeneration capabilities. VariousĀ research studies have reported that stem cell therapy and PRP (platelet-rich-plasma) injections can provide excellent pain relief and tissue repair in orthopedic ailments. For more info, contact [email protected] and get a free medical consultation on the use of stem cell treatment for your orthopedic disorder.