Viral Transport Medium for COVID-19 Testing in 2021
The objective of COVID-19 testing is to keep a check on the infection rate by quickly identifying both symptomatic and asymptomatic patients to reduce COVID-19 transmission. From the time of ...
The objective of COVID-19 testing is to keep a check on the infection rate by quickly identifying both symptomatic and asymptomatic patients to reduce COVID-19 transmission. From the time of ...
COVID cases are on a rise with mutant strains cropping up all around. This brings about the requirement of more COVID testing and with more testing, comes more sample collection. ...
With an increasing need for Virus Sampling for Throat or Nasal secretions, extensive research and production of Virus Transport Medium Kit (VTM kit) have been going on. The diagnosis of ...
During present times, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and specific antibody testing techniques are the best ways to test COVID-19 patients for detection, as approved by global healthcare organizations. Both of ...
The success of the SARS-CoV-2 detection and diagnosis depends largely on the quality of the patient sample specimen and the conditions under which it is transported to the clinic or ...
With an increasing need for extensive research on SARS-CoV2 biology, the diagnosis of COVID-19 infections by cell culture relies heavily on the careful and aseptic collection of specimens. This is ...